Being Smart About Security

There are millions of blogs all over the Internet. Some people are earning money through it and some do not. Many of the bloggers use WordPress at the moment. You will need to make sure that your blog is secure.

secure your wordpress site Watch out form entries. You may usethe data to be processed by Regexp . You can also define preloaded variables as type data in the kind of checkboxes, radiobuttons etc..

This is fantastic news because it means that there's a community of users and developers who can further improve the platform. Whenever there is a significant group of people trying to achieve something, there'll always be people who will attempt to take them down.

Exclude pages - This plugin adds a checkbox,"include this page in menus", which is checked by default. If you uncheck it, more the page won't appear in any listings of pages (which contains, and is usually limited to, your page navigation menus).

Now we're getting into things. You must rename it to config.php and modify the document config-sample.php, when you install WordPress. You need to set up the database facts there.

Do your homework and some hunting, but if you are pressed for time and want to get this done once and for all, try the WordPress security plugin that I use. It is a relief to know that my website (and business!) are secure.

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